martes, 21 de mayo de 2019

The Virtual Essay "Having a Uniform to School is Beneficial for Students"

In the class of writing we have to do an Essay Writing. This Eassay must have Formal Linkers, THE INTRODUCCTION: you must add the topic the you will talk and "some people say (that is bad or good),THE BODY two paragraph: Negatives and Positives (For Negatives you can use In the other hand OR Theyy will be drawbacks) and you have to use for the two paragraph, for one you must include Firstly and in the Negative you must add Secondly and THE CONCLUSION: you do not add more reazons and you have to give your CLARILY opinion.

                Having a Uniform to School is Beneficial for Students

        Some people think that use uniform is a waste of time but other people think that is beneficial. In this essay i will write about having a uniform to school is beneficial.

          Firstly, if you have a uniform to wear to school you do not have to think which clothes you  have to wear. Moreover, if you do not have the uniform and the school goes to a school trip there are posivilities to get lose.

          Secondly, there are some drawbacks if you do not have the correct uniform like sports uniform in a formal day you are given order marks. Furthermore, if you buy the uniform, it can be expensive.

          All mall, I think it does not mather which clothes you wear for school you to learn, so for me is a bad idea wear other thing than the uniform.

domingo, 19 de mayo de 2019

La Experimentación con Gases en un Juego Virtual

En la clase de Física-Química tuvimos que hacer con un juego virtual llamado ‪Estados de la materia‬ . En el cual teníamos que tomar las medidas de 2 o 3 estados y además elegir una de las tres leyes, yo elegí la de Gay-Lussac.

En esta imagen se produce volumen constante y si la temperatura aumenta la presión aumenta. T.i 804K y P.i 9.4 atm.

Y como sabemos las moléculas cuanto más temperatura se ejerce más presión habrá y el embalse explotará. T.f y P.f=SOBRE CARGA

miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2019

Evidencias de la Evolución

En la clase de biología estuvimos estudiando las teorías de la evolución y tuvimos que hacer este trabajo en grupos , interpretando cada una de las teorías con una imagen . Yo trabajé con Valentina Vaccarini y Carolina della Paolera.

miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2019

There Will Come Soft Rains

In literature class we read "There Will Come Soft Rains" and in peairs we have to do a presentation. I do it with Carolina della Paolera.